Normcore is in fashion

“Normcore”: the new trend which goes against the principles and market of fashion industry

by Larissa Marum Moreira

There are a lot of people who strictly follow the dictatorship of fashion and trend alerts and consume clothes heartily. Nevertheless, it has been a while that things are changing; a new trend has been coming up, a movement against the fashionistas is growing as an answer to overbuying, overspending and overconsuming. The normcore, which was previously underestimated, is in fashion now.

Normcore” is the agglutination of the words “normal” plus “hardcore”, which means extremely normal. How does this term reflect on people’s style? It means that when it comes to dressing, people keep it simple, casual and wear comfy clothes rather than audacious, gaudy and colorful clothes. The colors black, white, grey and navy blue are the ones to be chosen, patterns and different prints should be out of the palette. The clothes cuts are simple and traditional, nothing asymmetric.

It all began with people who have never cared about fashion, those who kept a comfy style and preferred ordinary looks. After some time, many people who have always cared about trends have changed their point of view, since they realized there is no necessity for having so much stuff in their closets and wasting so much money with something so trivial.

Ironically, what was supposed to be a light and easygoing lifestyle now is extremely popular. It has became become a trend. Bloggers are promoting this trend and giving advice on how people should dress as normcore. People carefully dress as if they do not mind about it. After all, following trends is something expensive and tiring.

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People included in this group who are unaware their style is in fashion: the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs and the United States president Barack Obama.


4 thoughts on “Normcore is in fashion

  1. I am all for normcore. I abhor the fashion industry and find most of the so-called trends absurd. I have always dressed down, even when I meant to dress up. Nevertheless, sometimes I would like to look smart wearing a few items I have seem other guys wear. In my everyday life,though, I very often dress like a homeless person.


  2. yvonnickdelaunay says:

    Awesome, ´´People carefully dress as if they do not mind about it.´´, that´s totally the idea but also a question of waSting money on appearance. Normcore or not, we are all victims of the fashion INDUSTRY, on deferents levels, but the best remains the paradox of anti-conformist clothes sold to people wishing to look like marginals or whatever. They are actually deeply into the system, which is providing them those items, feeding the fashion industry with their money……


  3. All my life I thought I was old fashioned. I always blamed my mother for not having money for new clothes. Now, I discovered that my brothers AND I were just normcore.Please mum, forgive-me.
    Augusto Souza


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